Veronica Farias
(509) 886-6427
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EAST WENATCHEE – Chelan-Douglas Health Distrct (CDHD) and Columbia Valley Community Health (CVCH) conducted a community-wide voluntary testing event in Bridgeport, WA on Tuesday, August 18, 2020. A total of 32 volunteers were tested and 12 of the individuals tested positive for COVID-19. All of the individuals who tested positive are Hispanic and had no COVID-19 symptoms at the time of testing.

CDHD is working closely with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and a third-party medical team to coordinate a massive testing effort that could potentially test all of Bridgeport’s population – approximately 2,500 residents. The Bridgeport-wide testing efforts are still in the planning process, but could possibly start the week of August 24, 2020.

CDHD would like to remind everyone of the importance of all public health precautions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone can have COVID-19 and not know they are contagious. COVID-19 is easily spread to close contacts, friends, family and loved ones before a person knows they are unintentionally spreading the virus. Please do your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19, continue to mask-up, social distance and avoid group gatherings. For more information, visit and follow CDHD on Facebook & Twitter.


Phone: (509) 886-6400
Fax: (509) 886-6478
Always Working For A Safer And Healthier Community

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